Breakfast · Desserts

Grain-Free Cream of Chocolate (nut-free option)

Cream of chocolate is my perfected version of cream of wheat. This breakfast treat is the perfect combination of a warm, hearty, nutritious, filling breakfast and a sweet chocolate decadence; with a punch of proteins, healthy fats, antioxidants, and nutrients.

This treat is actually a typical late night snack at our house; my sweet-toothed husband is addicted to chocolate. He HAS to have something sweet and “chocolaty” an hour or so after dinner, we are not talking about a light snack, we are talking about a “ please make a triple batch of this and bring me a half a pound of trail mix”, because I burned that 18-ounce steak, and 3 pounds of veggies before I even put the fork down.  I am not exactly sure how he manages to eat like that and still have single digit body fat. Somebody please explain that to me?

Cream of chocolate is a variation of my breakfast porridge,  but, for this one you don’t have to soak the almonds overnight, blend them and strain them to make almond milk, you are using cashews and water instead. When making nut milks the process is basically the same for most types of nuts, but when using macadamia nuts or cashews you can skip the soaking and straining process, and the milk will still be smooth and creamy.

For other breakfast ideas try my chocolate baked pancakes, banana nut muffins or my absolute favorite, banana scramble.

Paleo cream of chocolate


¼ cup of raw cashews (nut free option below)
1 cup of water
1 egg
2 tbsp of coconut oil
2 tbsp of unsweetened cacao
1 tbsp of coconut flour
Sweetener to taste ( I used 2 dates and 5 drops of liquid stevia)


  • Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
  • Pour the mixture into a small saucepan.
  • Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until it thickens to desired texture.
  • Serve and eat as is or top with coconut flakes, cacao nibs, or dairy-free, soy-free chocolate chips

For a nut free option, substitute the cashews and the water for 1 cup of your favorite milk.

Cream of Chocolate
Recipe Type: Paleo Breakfast
Author: Edible Harmony
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 1
  • ¼ cup of raw cashews
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp of coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp of unsweetened cacao
  • 1 tbsp of coconut flour
  • Sweetener to taste ( I used 2 dates and 5 drops of liquid stevia)
  1. Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Pour the mixture into a small saucepan.
  3. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens to desired texture.
  4. Serve and eat as is or top with coconut flakes, cacao nibs, chopped nuts or dairy-free, soy-free chocolate chips
For a nut free option, substitute the cashews and the water for 1 cup of your favorite milk.


21 thoughts on “Grain-Free Cream of Chocolate (nut-free option)

  1. Looks great!!!! Might need to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner……ok, it was a thought :O). Thanks for sharing.


  2. Could be metabolic typing-wise that your husband is a protein type. Those sort do very well eating animal sourced foods and healthy fats. Dr. Mercola talks about it, or there’s a book.


  3. Loved this easy hot ceral, I was just telling a friend that I miss my hot cerals since I am grain free now then this recipe showed up and it was easy and good tasting I made it today for my lunch, and will be making it in the future. Thank you.


  4. Oh my gosh this recipe needs to come with a warning. As soon as I made it, I had to go right back in the kitchen and make another batch! I would put this one right up there with banana scamble!


  5. Ok, I have made this about six times since you posted the recipe. Now the neighborhood kids are coming around asking for it. Between meat-za, banana scramble, and this recipe the moms around here should be saving on their grocery bills! Turning the kids PALEO. Yea!


  6. This is fabulous! I’ve made it several times in the last week. My kids and I love it…can’t get my husband to like it though. We’ve enjoyed it for breakfast and snack. If you don’t add as much water or add more coconut flour it is thicker. We used the thicker version to spread on waffles. It’s also a great dip for apples. Thank you!


  7. This recipe has grown on me each time I’ve made it. THANK you! I would love more recipes like this one.


  8. Guess what? Also delicious cold as a chocolate mousse, pudding, filling/frosting/topping or for anything that needs a little panache! Thank you for quick & easy as well as delicious.


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