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Grain-Free Wrap

Paleo Wrap


Going grain-free has become a lot easier than one might think…after a while you completely stop feeling deprived. You stop craving “bad” food and realize that you do not need to make the grain-free version of all the commercially-made food. I have gotten all of that down, but once in a while I just want more than just a few lettuce leaves to hold my sandwich meat, taco meat or hamburger patty, so I have been making these grain-free wraps quite a bit lately.

These are surprisingly fast and easy to make and they require minimal kitchen utensils; just a bowl, a fork, and a pan. They are very versatile and can be seasoned in many different ways in accordance to their filling. If you are having a mexican theme you can add cumin, garlic powder, lard and chilli; add rosemary for a lamb wrap, curry for an indian style dish, garlic powder and oregano for a meat ball wrap, etc.

The secret to these grain-free wrap is to cook them in low/medium heat and not to overcook them into a stiff or brittle tortilla.

You may also want to try my Thai lettuce wraps or paleo tortilla chips


1 tbsp of ground flax seeds
1 tbsp of chia seeds (ground or whole)
1 tbsp of almond flour
1 large egg
salt to taste
desired spices
butter, coconut oil, lard, tallow or desired cooking fat


  • In a small bowl combine the egg, flax, almond flour, chia, salt and spices and whisk until well combined.
  • Let sit for 3-5 minutes to allow the seeds to absorb the moisture.
  • Lightly grease a pan with oil of preference and heat over medium low heat.
  • Pour the mixture into the pan, using a spatula or the back of a spoon, spread and flatten the dough
  • Once the wrap is set, turn and cook the other side. Do not over cook or it won’t be flexible.
  • If you are making several wraps you can pour the batter into a very well greased cookie sheets and bake at 350 until the wrap is set.
  • Fill with desired ingredients: the wrap picture has chicken salad with homemade mayo, mixed greens, julienned cucumbers, and carrots and mustard.

Grain-Free Wrap

Recipe Type: Paleo Snack
Cuisine: Paleo
Author: Edible Harmony
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 1
  • 1 tbsp of ground flax seeds
  • 1 tbsp of chia seeds (ground or whole)
  • 1 tbsp of almond flour
  • 1 large egg
  • salt to taste
  • desired spices
  • butter, coconut oil, lard, tallow or desired cooking fat
  1. In a small bowl combine the egg, flax, almond flour, chia, salt and spices and whisk until well combined.
  2. Let sit for 3-5 minutes to allow the seeds to absorb the moisture.
  3. Lightly grease a pan with oil of preference and heat over medium low heat.
  4. Pour the mixture into the pan, using a spatula or the back of a spoon spread and flatten the dough.
  5. Once the wrap is set, turn and cook the other side. Do not over cook or it won’t be flexible.
  6. If you are making several wraps you can pour the batter into a very well greased cookie sheets and bake at 350 until the wrap is set.
  7. Fill with desired ingredients: the wrap picture has chicken salad with homemade mayo, mixed greens, julienned cucumbers, and carrots and mustard.

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12 thoughts on “Grain-Free Wrap

  1. I also make a simple “wrap” with just egg, salt, a touch of oil,
    any other seasonings I want, and psyllium husks. I don’t measure, so can’t give you an exact recipe. But you don’t need a ton of powdered psyllium husks. Start with way less than you think you’d need – like a tenth of the amount of grain flours you would use for a similar thing. Have the pan hot, but turn down to low before you pour the wrap. You need to whip up the eggs and add the psyllium husks just before pouring the batter into the hot pan, or they will way thicken and you won’t be able to spread it thin (can make a delicious pancake that way – which I also do). But if you pour it while it is still pourable, don’t let it set even a minute – it doesn’t take long – then it will spread out thin and cook into a nice wrap that will hold together well. Once it is spread out thin on the hut pan you should turn the burner way down low and cover. Could take as long as 5 minutes per side.
    You’ll know the first side is done when it will hold together well enough to flip – you can lift up the side of it all the way around and it holds together. Then flip and recover for a few more minutes on low heat. I use a big cast iron pan to make these. Not sure how a different pan would work. Sara


  2. I am definitely going to try this. I haven’t eaten any sort of bread, tortilla etc for two years becuase they are all grains. Even whole grain breads don’t sit well and give you that full felling and makes you sluggish. Will probably add garlic and onion powder along with some herbs. THX!


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